White Women’s Role in School Segregation
White American women have long played significant roles in maintaining racist practices. One sociologist calls the phenomenon "social mothering."
Bringing Universal Education to the South
The year 2018 marks the 150th anniversary of a number of constitutional conventions in Southern states during Reconstruction. One lasting achievement was creating universal education systems.
When a Memoir Tells Half the Story: Prince Edward County and School Desegregation
Kristen Green's memoir Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County neglects the broader significance of the county's school desegregation crisis.
Albert Einstein: Genius and Anti-racist
A look at Albert Einstein's passionate fight against racism.
Was George Wallace Anti-Education…Or Just Anti-Integration?
While pledging to keep schools segregated, Alabama Governor George Wallace set up a community college system that benefited black Alabamans.
How Segregation Hurts Kids
Educational segregation hurts all kids, white, black, and Hispanic.