High school students run down the corridor of their school

What Students are Forgetting this Summer

The gap between students when it comes to educational achievement may come down to more than schools.
Sidney Poitier and Katharine Houghton in a still from the 1967 film, "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"

The Etiquette of Desegregation

How whites and blacks had to learn new forms of etiquette post desegregation.
Willie Robertson

Rednecks: A Brief History

What is a "redneck" exactly? Kelli Marshall explores a brief history of the word.
W.E.B. DuBois

W. E. B. Du Bois Sets The Stage

A brief communication is revealing window into the life of thinker W. E. B. Du Bois.
Hands on a computer keyboard

Obscenity and Unintended Consequences

In the Journal of American Studies, Amanda Frisken investigated how an earlier set of standards around obscenity emerged in the 1870s.
Two students look on while holding drinks

Fraternities, Sororities, and Racism

Complex racial dynamics affect members of non-white fraternities even when they didn't involve explicit racism.
Black and white illustration of a chained elephant, titled Uganda, giving a side glance to the explorer and colonizer who are discussing it

The Original White Elephant

The unsettling story of Barnum's White Elephant.
Dr. Alondra Nelson

Interview with Alondra Nelson: Race + Gender + Technology + Medicine

Alondra Nelson studies gender and black studies at the intersection of science and technology.
Rows of elementary students working diligently on their assignment

Challenges Beyond the Classroom: Poverty, Race and Educational Achievement

Levels of educational achievement in the U.S. are deeply connected with race & income levels.
A group of elementary school aged students working on an assignment together

Tackling Racism in School Discipline

Skyline High School in Oakland, California addressed serious racial disparities in school discipline, with students leading the way.