Hillary Clinton and Feminism
Hilary Clinton’s political career has long drawn the attention of scholars and pundits alike.
The Cultural Expectations of Breastfeeding
Society constructs women’s bodies as sexual, but mothers’ bodies as asexual—a quandary that presents a dilemma for women who nurse in public.
The Feminist History of Prohibition
A look at the feminist roots of the temperance movement.
The Real Driver Behind Curbing Population Growth
The solution isn't minimizing poverty or supplying more contraceptives.
A Woman’s Life in Publishing
Anita D. McClellan entered the publishing industry as a secretary, one of the few opportunities available to women at the time. We tell her story.
How Mary Poppins Softened the Image of the Suffragette
We examine the portrayal of the British suffragettes in the iconic film, Mary Poppins.
“Victim Culture” and Victim Blaming
The critique of contemporary "victim culture" has parallels to the critique of "victim feminism" of the 1990s.
How Reforms to Rape Law Changed Our Understanding of the Crime
Reforms to rape law in the 1970s and 1980s transformed the definition of rape and brought the crime out of the shadows.
Money and Power at Strip Clubs
A new viewpoint on who holds the money and power in strip clubs.
How Second-Wave Feminists Saw Saturday Morning Cartoons
Before the Bechdel test, second-wave feminists looked at sexist portrayals in Saturday Morning cartoons