Stonehenge’s Larger Neighbor
The discovery of Durrington Walls, a monument more formidable than Stonehenge, deepens the mystery of these Neolithic structures.
How the Media Made Queen Victoria
How nineteenth century media helped make Queen Victoria who she was.
A Polymath Opines: Charles Babbage’s Other Interests
Early writings of Charles Babbage.
The Anglo-American Relationship: Not Always So Special
The "special relationship" between the United States and the United Kingdom followed a very long century of special enmity.
Was Winston Churchill a “Drunk in Charge”?
Winston Churchill's status is history is decided. His status as a drinker is disputed.
Remembering and Representing Alan Turing
A 1955 obituary of Turing from the Royal Society is fascinating for what it leaves out of the first draft of history.
Lost Franklin Expedition Ship Found by Canadian Scientists
In 2014, a Canadian team announced they had found the shipwrecks of John Franklin's lost 1845 expedition.