More Hidden Figures of NASA History
Katherine G. Johnson, Charles F. Bolden, Jeanette Epps, and roles of African Americans in NASA.
The Historical Need for Black Colleges
Historically black colleges and universities have also been on the forefront of fighting for desegregation.
Early Photographs of African American Soldiers at The National Museum of African American History and Culture
The Prickitt album in the NMAAC is a rare coincidence of names and photographs of Colored Troops fighting for the Union in the Civil War.
Little Rock, Then and Now
Segregation and inequality are still major issues in Little Rock today
Remembering the Civil Rights Movement…With Comics
Congressman John Lewis's graphic autobiography March: Book Two draws on the richly textured oral history of the Civil Rights Movement.
The Significance of Shirley Chisholm’s Presidential Campaign
Shirley Chisholm: the first black female U.S. Representative, first black major-party candidate for President, and the first Democratic Party woman to run.
The Story of Juneteenth
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863. It took over two years for the news to reach some enslaved people.
Loving v. Virginia and the Origins of Loving Day
Loving Day celebrates the SCOTUS decision in Loving v. Virginia in 1967 which struck down the laws of the 16 states still forbidding interracial marriage.
How Septima Poinsette Clark Spoke Up for Civil Rights
The daughter of a slave, Septima Clark graduated from college, became a teacher, and became a fierce advocate for social and cultural change.
A Formerly Enslaved Woman Successfully Won a Case for Reparations in 1783
In one of the earliest examples of reparations, an ex-slave named Belinda petitioned the government and was granted an annuity.