Sheep Snarf Seaweed at the Scottish Seashore
A seaweed-only diet seems to curb methane emissions in sheep on a tiny island in Scotland.
Biomimicry Comes for the Noble Hedgehog
Inventors often use animals' adaptations to the environment in applications that benefit humans, from sharky swimsuits to hedgehog-inspired helmets.
America, Where the Dogs Don’t Bark and the Birds Don’t Sing
The Comte de Buffon's thirty-six volume Natural History claimed that America was a land of degeneracy. That enraged Thomas Jefferson.
The Cartoonishly Giant Antlers of the Irish Elk
The mystery of the Irisk Elk's giant antlers attracted the attention of famous evolutionary biologist Steven Jay Gould.
The Strange Case of Daniel Defoe’s Civet Scheme
In the 17th century, these animals were prized for their musk. So when the not-yet-famous writer Daniel Defoe needed quick cash, he turned to civets.
The Seal That Flew 1000 Miles To Get Home
Found stranded on a subtropical beach, the mystery seal finally comes home to its North Atlantic waters.
The Biology of Death-Feigning
Some animals, when faced with predators, play dead instead of trying to escape. But for death-feigning to work, a lot of things have to go well.
The Invention of Pets
Pet are a relatively recent invention. In the 18th and 19th centuries, pethood arose in the split between farm animals and home animals.
How Not to Approach Wildlife in Yellowstone National Park
National parks like Yellowstone are great places to get close to nature, but tourists shouldn't forget that they are also important refuges for wildlife.
Dr. Nose: Disease-Detecting Animals
Belgian scientists are training rats to detect diseases. Other animals, including dogs, have a history of disease-detection.