The Unexpected Result of Australia’s Dingo Fence
The story of dingoes in Australia is the first recorded case where an introduced predator has taken on such a functional role in its adopted ecosystem.
Fish Are Smarter Than You Think
Fish intelligence? Yes, many studies have documented the ability of fish to learn from their environment. Fish exposed to a more complicated environment have an edge in learning.
The Complexity of Animal Communication
Alarm calls truly display the complexity of animal communication. Chimps tailor their warning communications based on the knowledge level of the recipient.
The Final Migration of the American Eel
Every year, thousands of American eels make an amazing migration from their freshwater homes into the Atlantic Ocean, where they spawn and die.
Crows Are Even Smarter Than We Thought
If crows like the New Caledonian Crow can plan out and create a specialized tool, then they seem to have smarts that rival those of early humans.
The Science of Ticks
A mild winter and abundant mice have led to a bumper crop of ticks this year, and with them tick-transmitted diseases including Lyme disease.
Is The Tasmanian Tiger Really Extinct?
A team of researchers is making one last attempt to find a living Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger, 30 years after its official disappearance.
The Global Jellyfish Crisis in Perspective
Are the increasing jellyfish blooms in our oceans the result of global temperature changes?
The World’s Cutest Mammal on the Brink
The Ili Piku, aka "Magic Rabbit," of China is endangered. But Pika populations are declining globally, not just in China.
Why Does Menopause Exist?
What is the point of menopause? Evolutionarily speaking, why do female humans go through menopause and then live for many more decades?