Giant Squid attack

Giant Squid, Giant Secrets

Very little is known about the giant squid, which surely has added to the strange creature's mystique.
Iguanodons, Megalosaurus and Heliosaurus

Dinosaur Brains And Other Unusual Fossil Finds

How can anything besides bones remain from so many millions of years ago?
Two Hummingbirds and an Orchid

Are There “Transgender” Proclivities in Animals?

We tend to think of gender expression as uniquely human. But many species gain advantages by projecting an opposite-sex appearance.
A well-groomed thoughtful cat

The Curious Science of Animal Personalities

Any pet owner can tell you that different pets have different personalities, but actually measuring personality in non-human animals is a challenge.
frigate bird

The Astounding Adaptations of Long-Distance Flyers

Frigate birds are truly champion fliers. The birds can fly for weeks without stopping. How do they do it?
altruistic marmot

Why Do Animals Share?

Natural selection should weed out the do-gooders and leave only egoists, but animals share just the same.
Cecil the Lion

No, Trophy Hunting Won’t Protect Wildlife

Killing wildlife to save it isn't a viable strategy. We can create diverse, self-sustaining ecosystems without trophy hunting.
Close-up of mitochondria

Who Needs Mitochondria Anyway?

Mitochondria was once thought to be an integral part of all complex organisms. Then this organism was discovered.
Science jars of formalin and fish

What Lies Beneath the Museum?

Paradoxically, museum specimens of long-dead animals may offer us the keys to protecting live ones.
Elk in Yellowstone National Park

National Parks Are Like Islands for Wildlife

There’s no doubt that national parks are good at getting people in touch with the natural world. But how good are they at conserving wildlife?