Internet trolls

How To Live With Internet Trolls

We need to start thinking about how to live with internet trolls even while we look for ways to reduce or eliminating trolling. 
Gun control

Why Doctors Are Prescribing Gun Legislation

Gun legislation is once again becoming a public health concern, according to the AMA and other medical groups.
A shelf of Harry Potter books complete with a wand

The Value of Using Harry Potter to Teach Politics

A political scientist argues that Harry Potter can be used to teach students about politics, institutional behavior, globalization, and identity. 
People praying during Ramadan while a while stands close by

Even Water? Why (And How) Muslims Fast During Ramadan

Ramadan is underway for the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. This year, Ramadan takes place in the dead of summer, a particularly difficult time to fast. 
Dr. Walter Edmondson, doctor known for his participation in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, taking a blood test from an unidentified patient

The Lasting Fallout of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

A recent paper provides evidence that the Tuskegee Syphilis Study reduced the life expectancy of African-American men.
A pair of hands making L's to distinguish which one is actually the left one

Be Honest, Can You Really Tell Left from Right?

Laterality, or left-right orientation, takes years to master. A surprising percentage of adults struggle telling left from right, including some surgeons.

The Internet’s Baby Pictures, 25 Years After the Birth of the Web

Tim Berners-Lee set up HTML (hypertext markup language) and HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) twenty-five years ago today.
Graphic reading that more than 72 million U.S. adults are obese

Why the Pounds Won’t Stay Off

Weight loss is a biological problem, and it will require a biological solution.
Elder care

Let’s Talk About Dying Well

Physicians and family members still have trouble talking candidly about dying and what it means to die well.
APOPO HeroRAT rat getting food reward

Dr. Nose: Disease-Detecting Animals

Belgian scientists are training rats to detect diseases. Other animals, including dogs, have a history of disease-detection.