Can Artificial Intelligence Be Creative?
Machines can write compelling ad copy and solve complex "real life" problems. Should the creative class be worried?
Why Plastic Roads Lead to a Cleaner Ocean
To prevent several millions tons of plastic from flushing into the ocean every year, engineers are paving roads with it.
Climate Change and the Endangered Species Act
The Trump administration has moved to significantly weaken the ESA, limiting consideration of climate change when identifying species as endangered.
The Internet Is Rotting—Let’s Embrace It
Forgetting is beneficial for the human brain. But the internet has made it harder to let go of painful or problematic memories.
Get Ready For Human-Animal Hybrids
New progress in stem-cell research raises some thorny ethical questions.
The Ancient Roots of Apple Cider
Alcoholic apple cider has been around for centuries. So why does "hard cider" feel like a new trend?
The Importance of Technological Change in Shaping Generational Perspectives
If we name each generation based on the technological conditions it experienced, generations may soon encompass only a few years apiece.
Surgery for Stuttering
In the 19th century, Europe and the United States saw a "mania for operating."
How Toxic Are Flood Waters?
While flood waters can be extremely polluted, researchers have found the lasting impact is different from what one might expect.
The Complicated Issue of Transableism
Some people born in able bodies feel as if they were meant to have disabilities. How should the medical community be responding?