Do Vitamin Supplements Cause Cancer?
There's been a long history of research on vitamin supplements and their potential cancer risk.
What Happens When You Crack Your Knuckles?
Where does the sound of cracking knuckles come from, and is it dangerous?
How Forensic Techniques Aid Archaeology
Scientific methods such as the DNA testing are associated with forensic science, but they are just as useful for archaeology as for criminology.
The Sound of an Unknown Whale
Researchers might have identified one—and maybe even two—brand new species of whale.
Watching the Twin Suns Rise on a Real-Life Tatooine
Twin suns, like the ones seen in Star Wars, may be more common than originally thought.
Old Data, New Discoveries: Solving The Paradox of the Plankton
In 1961, G. E. Hutchinson first outlined what he called the paradox of the plankton. Over 50 years later, it may be solved.
The Invincible Tardigrade
Tardigrades, aka water bears, are microscopic animals that are found in virtually any environment on Earth.
Is Darwinius really “The Missing Link” to Humans?
Darwinius is an exceptionally well preserved, 47-million-year-old primate from the ancient Messel Pit in Germany. Its position in evolution is contested.