A crowded highway in the midst of snow falling

DIY Weather Forecasting

Are there better options for weather forecasting than educated guessing?
Entrance to Disneyland

Welcome Back, Measles

The news of a recent outbreak at Disneyland in California brought measles back into the public view.
An orange and cream lizard tilts its head and tail up

Animal Penises Can Tell Us a Lot About Evolution

There is a surprisingly large body of work regarding animal penis evolution.
yellow-green image on a lake that is poisoned and polluted

The Latest Legacy of Acid Rain: Jellied Lakes

The impact of decades of acid rain (better known as acid precipitation) is causing North American lakes to turn to jelly.
A cavern in the deep ocean

Into the Challenger Deep!

Researchers surveying the deepest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench, also known as the Challenger Deep, made a number of remarkable discoveries.
Giant squid lurking in the depths of a deep, dark ocean

Squids Wearing Sweaters: What Could Be Better?

Three jumbo squids found themselves wearing fancy "sweaters" recently, thanks to a team of scientists from Stanford and the National Geographic Society
Perspective of peering down a library aisle full of books on either side

Research Fraud: When Science Goes Bad

At its worst, science research fraud might have deadly consequences. What can be done about it?
A woman clutches at a tissue and her sinuses

The Mystery of Super-Spreaders

It’s estimated that roughly 20% of the population are so-called "super-spreaders" who cause 80% of infectious disease cases.
A bear looks out of its cave over the snow covered terrain

The Mysteries of Hibernation

Bears in hibernation have a lot of physiological issues to solve.
The planet Mars

Is There Life on Mars?

Is there life on Mars? Probably not, but it's likely that there used to be.