For Pets in Ancient Egypt, Life Was Hard (or Really Easy)
Life wasn’t always easy for pets in ancient Egypt.
Self-Folding Origami Robots!
Origami robots can not only walk, but swim, climb, and carry twice their body weight—granted, the robot only weighs a third of a gram.
Early Bird? Night Owl? It Might Be in Your Genes.
Researchers in England have identified several genes associated with the timing of peak activity.
With Few Mates, Female Sawfish Go It Alone
Smalltooth sawfish are increasingly reproducing without males, according to new research.
Poor Prognosis for the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf
The western antarctic ice shelves are thinning rapidly.
Just for the Halibut: More Fish are Deliberately Wasted Than Caught
More halibut are dumped dead in the ocean as waste than sold by fishermen.
What Would Alien Life on Other Planets Look Like?
Predictions on alien life on other planets.
What’s Killing the Saiga Antelope?
In Kazakhstan, saiga antelope are dying by the thousands, and nobody knows precisely why.
Before Broadband, Seeking Universal Access to the Telephone
Today's debates about low-income subsidizes for broadband echo early fights for universal access to telephone lines.