Humpback Whale

The Importance of Whale Poop

Whales are an important part of ocean biodiversity. So is their poop.
Wolly Mammoth model at the Royal BC Museum

How Did the Pleistocene Support Such Large Herbivores?

How could the era have supported such massive herbivores?
Human chimera with two different colored eyes.

Human Chimeras

Human chimeras are surprisingly common and a wonder of the human reproductive process.

Could the Apatosaurus’ Tail Break the Sound Barrier?

Research suggests that the apatosaurus' tail was an impressive appendage.
Albert Einstein during a lecture in Vienna in 1921

Entanglement: A Milestone for Quantum Mechanics

Advances in quantum mechanics has proved the existence of entanglement, a principle even Einstein had a hard time swallowing.

How Mining Impacted the Midwestern Grasslands

Is it possible to recover from the effects of coal mining? We investigate.

Sunscreen Linked to Coral Reef Decay

Globally, we release roughly four to six thousand tons of sunscreen in coral reef areas. The result has been disastrous.
Electrolytically refined pure (99.989 %) superficially oxidized lead nodules and a high purity (99.989 %) 1 cm3 lead cube for comparison.

Lead: Our Four-Thousand Year Old Pollutant

The history of lead pollution goes back 4000 years.
Bleached wart coral

The Global Coral Bleaching Event

We look at the current global coral bleaching event, possibly the worst in recorded history.