What Is Ambergris and Where Does It Come From?
Ambergris, a waxy-like substance found in perfumes, has a unique origin.
Inside the Operating Theater: Early Surgery as Spectacle
Director Steven Soderbergh’s historical drama series, The Knick, brings viewers inside a New York City hospital’s operating room ...
Using Technology to Understand the Pyramids
Technological advances continue to play a strong role in our efforts to understand the great pyramids of Egypt.
Microlattice: The World’s Lightest Metal
Boeing has developed a metal microlattice, a strong material mostly composed of air.
The Importance of Whale Poop
Whales are an important part of ocean biodiversity. So is their poop.
How Did the Pleistocene Support Such Large Herbivores?
How could the era have supported such massive herbivores?
Human Chimeras
Human chimeras are surprisingly common and a wonder of the human reproductive process.
Could the Apatosaurus’ Tail Break the Sound Barrier?
Research suggests that the apatosaurus' tail was an impressive appendage.