Hobbits from The Lord of the Rings. Photo credit: Neal Peters Collection

Were Hobbits Real?

New research suggests that a distinct species, dubbed "hobbits", existed between 17,000 and 95,000 years ago.

I ❤ Physics: A Love Story

I could not bring myself to accept string theory’s claim, often presented as a scientific fact, that there are exactly 11 dimensions.
Mute swans

Are Mute Swans a Harmful Invasive Species?

Mute swans are the poster child for a harmful species protected by strong public goodwill.
Extreme ultraviolet light streams out of an X-class solar flare

The Threat of Solar Flares

Solar flares are highly unpredictable and difficult to anticipate. But their threat is very real.
North American Nebula

The Search For Antimatter

Physicists, in recent years, have been trying to find evidence of antimatter in the universe. Its existence could overturn the Big Bang theory.
Antique illustration of northern crested newt (Triturus cristatus)

The Age of Amphibians

Tracing the remarkable diversity of the early amphibians, creatures that spanned the globe and preceded the age of dinosaurs.
Woman lighting a cigarette.

The Benefits of (Delaying) Cigarettes

Research shows that delaying the age of smoking among adolescents reduces the risk of lung cancer later in life.
Meat products

Fake Meat: Get Ready for The Synthetic Meat Revolution

New Wave Foods, a Silicon Valley start-up, has developed synthetic shrimp in a lab. Will fake meat revolutionize the food industry?
Sperm whale

What Is Ambergris and Where Does It Come From?

Ambergris, a waxy-like substance found in perfumes, has a unique origin.
Boston City Hospital operating theater, circa 1890, by A. H. Folsom (d. 1926) of Roxbury

Inside the Operating Theater: Early Surgery as Spectacle

Director Steven Soderbergh’s historical drama series, The Knick, brings viewers inside a New York City hospital’s operating room ...