Antibodies attacking a virus.

Could There Be a ‘Silver Bullet’ Therapy for Ebola?

Monoclonal antibodies may be the key to treating the deadly Ebola virus. 
Wasted rotten apples.

We’re Wasting As Much As Half the Food We Produce

Research suggests that at least half of the food produced is lost before and after it reaches the consumer. 
Heroin use.

What Causes an Epidemic of Heroin Deaths?

Research suggests that certain things such as alcohol and the potency of the dose increase the rate at which users die from heroin use. 
National Wildlife Refuge

The History of the National Wildlife Refuge System

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has been occupied by armed militants since January 2, 2016. But where did the National Wildlife Refuge system come from?
A concept illustration of three aligned planets

There May Be a Ninth Planet (And It’s Not Pluto)

Caltech astronomer Michael Brown has proposed the existence of a ninth planet, the existence of which would explain the strange orbits of six KBOs. 

The Sweet Spot: New Study Shows Optimal Group Size for Baboons

A new study on the Amboseli baboons of East Africa shows that there is a “sweet spot,” or optimal group size for surviving predators and gathering food.
Periodic elements

The Ever-Evolving Periodic Table of Elements

Four new elements--113, 115, 117, and 118--have been added to the periodic table. But the search for new elements hasn't always been so systematic. 
Compost Heap

Should You Compost?

The science is clear: composting organic waste is good for the environment. 
Feeling blue

The Weird Ways Humans Have Tried Curing Hangovers

From ancient Egypt to modern times, the various cures suggested to relieve the hangover. 
Comparison of skull features of Homo naledi and other early human species.

Dear Paleoanthropology, Homo Naledi Just Shifted Your Paradigm

A new fossil human ancestor has made its way into the media spotlight, and it’s causing quite a ruckus.