Sjögren syndrome

The Science of Secretions

Although secretions like saliva and digestive juices might have a high ick-factor, these bodily products are essential for us to function normally.
Wildlife cams

Why We Can’t Turn Away from Wildlife Cams

Wildlife cams have steadily gained popularity among both scientists and casual observers. But viewers aren't always prepared for wildlife unscripted.
SpaceX rocket

The Commercialization of Space

Policymakers and scientists have been thinking about the details of the commercialization of space for decades.
APOPO HeroRAT rat getting food reward

Dr. Nose: Disease-Detecting Animals

Belgian scientists are training rats to detect diseases. Other animals, including dogs, have a history of disease-detection.
From left to right: W. Nernst, A. Einstein, M. Planck, R.A. Millikan and von Laue at a dinner given by von Laue

Who was Max Planck?

Max Planck was a German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. 
The Hubble Space Telescope as seen from the departing Space Shuttle Atlantis, flying STS-125, HST Servicing Mission 4.

Happy Birthday, Hubble Telescope!

This year, the Hubble Telescope celebrates its 26th year in space. 
Spring Blossoms

Why We Actually Need Our Allergies

Allergies may be annoying, but they might also protect us from environmental toxins.
Hannibal's Famous Crossing of the Alps

Tracing General Hannibal’s Path Across The Alps. In Poop.

A new study traces Hannibal's path across the Alps by examining preserved horse poop.
Myanmar Mangroves

Why Myanmar Jailed Mangrove Activists

Activists in Myanmar took action against Mangrove deforestation. Why were they jailed?
“It could be so light that you don’t even know it’s there, on your shirt or on your notebook,” Vladimir Bulović says. “These cells could simply be an add-on to existing structures.” Photo: Joel Jean and Anna Osherov

Solar Panels Get Small. Real Small.

Solar panels keep getting lighter and thinner. MIT researchers have created a solar panel so light and thin that it can rest on a soap bubble.