Finding the Words We Need to Talk About Sexual Assault and Harassment
"Me too." As the conversation around sexual assault has spread, it's become clear that not everybody is prepared to talk about such a difficult issue.
Sand? Mine!
Orca Quarry in British Columbia is one of a handful of mines feeding the nearly insatiable desire for sand and gravel in major West Coast cities.
Is Our Food Supply Toxic?
Yum. Scientists, policymakers, and journalists find that our food is polluted with pesticides, overdosed with antibiotics, and yet teeming with pathogens.
Welcome to the Age of Megafires
It's been a terrible year for fires in California and elsewhere around the world. Because then it always is now in the age of megafires.
Instagram, YouTube, and the New Child Stars
The term 'child star' is almost synonymous with dysfunction. We're familiar with TV and movie kids, but what about those made famous by social media?
Marine Debris and Its Dangerous Hitchhikers
Larger pieces of floating debris, like that caused by the Japanese tsunami, may carry hitchhikers in the form of organisms native to their place of origin.
The Problem With Algae Bloom
Climate change is a wild card that seems to be exacerbating conditions that can lead to Harmful Algae Blooms.
Raging Seas, Blazing Smoke, and (Maybe) a Supervolcano
Have humans angered the planet? Smothering air pollution in California, rising seas in Oceania, and supervocanos that could cause global catastrophe.
Female Inventive Talent
Brief commentary on one line from JSTOR: An unsigned editorial from an 1870s issue of Scientific American suggests that women can be great inventors, too.
Reptiles Need Your Love, Especially Now
A new study from Oxford and Tel Aviv universities found reptiles are underrepresented in conservation efforts, just in time for Reptile Awareness Day.