Meat products

Fake Meat: Get Ready for The Synthetic Meat Revolution

New Wave Foods, a Silicon Valley start-up, has developed synthetic shrimp in a lab. Will fake meat revolutionize the food industry?
Boston City Hospital operating theater, circa 1890, by A. H. Folsom (d. 1926) of Roxbury

Inside the Operating Theater: Early Surgery as Spectacle

Director Steven Soderbergh’s historical drama series, The Knick, brings viewers inside a New York City hospital’s operating room ...
Sleepy Bulldog

Why Does Eating Food Make You Sleepy?

Your turkey is not to blame.
Mandarin orange

Ignoring the Cure for Scurvy

It may have altered the outcome of the Revolutionary War.
Human chimera with two different colored eyes.

Human Chimeras

Human chimeras are surprisingly common and a wonder of the human reproductive process.
Bergonic chair for giving general electric treatment for psychological effect, in psycho-neurotic cases. World War 1 era.

Why Electroshock Therapy Isn’t Bad for You

Electroconvulsive therapy, or electroshock, has a bad reputation, but medically its efficacy is well documented, even if nobody knows how it works.
Ebola virus

Is a Virus Alive?

The answer to the question whether a virus is alive isn't so simple.
A couple with a tall man and a shorter woman

Do Tall People Have a Higher Risk of Cancer?

We review the research on the correlation between height and cancer risk.
The Brain That Wouldn't Die - 1962 - Joseph Green

Head Transplants: A History

The first human head transplant is scheduled for 2017. But the possibility of transplants has transfixed scientists for most of the last century.
Woman holding her head in one hand and an ice cream cone in the other

What Causes Brain Freeze AKA Ice Cream Headaches?

Brain freeze, or the ice cream headache, is still little understood.