Why Does Menopause Exist?
What is the point of menopause? Evolutionarily speaking, why do female humans go through menopause and then live for many more decades?
The Forgotten Women Physicians of World War I
For women physicians, WWI was an opportunity for service that highlighted their deeply ambiguous position, as Ellen More explained in a 1989 paper.
How Do We Know What Human Organs Do?
Apparently humans have a new internal organ. How can this be, and what does this "new organ" do?
Changing the Way We Die
Dying may seem like a straightforward business, but there are almost as many ways to approach the end of life as there are to approach life itself.
The False Promises of Wellness Culture
Wellness is everywhere today: juice cleanses, Soulcycle classes, self-care. The roots of the trend can be found in nineteenth-century health-consciousness.
When Dieting Was Only For Men
Today, we tend to assume dieting is for women, but in the 1860s, it was a masculine pursuit.
Inside a Nineteenth-Century Quest to End Addiction
In 1880, Dr. Leslie E. Keeley promised a cure for the disease of drunkenness. The community he developed influenced our understanding of treating addiction.
How PMS Became a Thing
“Is PMS Real?” It was the headline that launched a thousand hot takes—a bold statement by Frank Bures (a male author) ...