A Really Contested Convention: The 1924 Democratic “Klanbake”
The convention was also notable because hundreds of Knights of the Ku Klux Klan attended as delegates.
Maternity, #Meternity, and the Military
Maternity leave as we know it today may have its origins in turn-of-the-century French militarism.
The Right to Legal Counsel
Adequate legal counsel is not provided to many of the poor accused of crimes.
Who Are the Independent Voters?
The voting patterns of actual independents have long been a topic of study. Who are they, and how do they actually vote?
How Hulk Hogan v. Gawker May Change the Face of Journalism
The recent Gawker vs. Hogan spat is the latest in the long history of journalism, free speech, gossip, and the law.
Authoritarianism’s Hidden Root Cause
The greater the inequality of a society, the greater the risk of authoritarianism.
Donald Trump and “Whiteness”
Donald Trump's controversial racial rhetoric and mostly white supporters lead us to ask what whiteness means to white people?
The Long Prelude to the Fight for 15
Arguments in support of the minimum wage over the last century have ranged from social justice to increased worker efficiency.
Single Parenting And Welfare
What does the research say about welfare encouraging single parenting, as conservative critics have long charged?
Nancy Reagan and the Paradox of Being First Lady
The role of the First Lady is undefined and dependent on the woman in the role, but it's a politically fraught one for all of them.