The Constitution Most Americans Have Forgotten About
The Articles of Confederation set off the long-running feud between states' rights and Washington, a debate that still rages today.
The Bitter Controversy Over Nebraska’s State Capital
Lincoln or Omaha or... Neapolis? The fight over where to put the capital of Nebraska was much more heated than you may have imagined.
WWII and the First Ethical Hacker
Rene Carmille has been called the first ethical hacker for sabotaging the computerization of data about French Jews during World War II.
Bring Your Own Applause: What Donald Trump and Roman Emperor Nero Have in Common
A claque is a centuries-old showmanship technique that has been used by entertainers and politicians since the Roman Empire.
What Are Executive Orders Anyway?
Donald Trump's executive orders are coming fast and furious, but what exactly are they? And why are they the Presidential go-to tactic now?
What’s With All The Petitions?
The last clause of the First Amendment guarantees the right to "petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Where did this idea come from?
Impeaching History
Got impeachment? Not much. In American history, there have only been a total of 19 impeachment trials in the U.S. Senate.
De Facto First Ladies: A Definitive Guide
Ivanka Trump will be assuming many duties of the First Lady. She won't be the first presidential daughter to take “the hardest unpaid job in the world.”
Edmund Burke and the Birth of Traditional Conservatism
Edmund Burke (1729-1797) is one of the philosophical fountainheads of modern conservatism. But he didn't start out that way.
A Brief History of Vice Presidential Inaugurations
Vice presidential inaugurations haven’t always shared the pomp and circumstance reserved for the highest office in the land.