Happy New Year!
Why do we celebrate on the 1st of January? Do financial incentives help you stick to resolutions? And other burning questions.
Our Most Popular Stories of 2021
This year, readers were into peanut butter and jelly, semi-conductors, bayonets, Victorian knitting manuals, plus the hard-working dogs of Medieval Europe.
Our Writers’ Favorite Stories of 2021
Without our writers (and editors and fact checkers and producers) and you, we're nothing.
bell hooks
Writer and academic, teacher and activist. Read and share some of her foundational work.
Does Law Exist to Provide Moral Order?
Is social cohesion possible in plural societies? Philosopher H. L. A. Hart weighed in amid debates on abortion and same-sex relationships.
The Troubles with Tracking
Educators have been debating academic tracking since the early years of the public high school.
Let’s Talk About (Your) Crimes
Asking yourself about what you've "gotten away with" may change how you think about "criminals."
Message in a Button
A dive into the the University of Connecticut Pins and Button Collection gives a wearable history of progressive causes.
Do We Actually See Shadows?
In a blackout, you do not hear or taste the darkness; you see it. It looks a certain way. On the philosophy of shadows.
Feminism’s Hidden Spiritual Side
Sometimes the pursuit of gender equality requires a little witchcraft.