America’s Workforce Runs on Uppers
Uppers like Benzedrine and cocaine provided a willing workforce for our capitalist economy. Now, Americans are turning to ADHD medications.
Consultants: Recommending Consultations for 100+ Years
Glassdoor reports that three of the five highest paying companies in the country are consulting firms. To some ...
Why Did the “Female Viagra” Fail?
Marketers pitched "female viagra" as a win for gender equality. Why is the drug now called a "colossal failure?"
A Brief History of the Income Tax
The significance of the date April 15 is not lost on anyone in the modern United States. But ...
A Short Primer on the Panama Papers
The so-called “Panama Papers” files released last weekend detail wide-spread tax-evasion among the world’s elites. From Russia to Iceland, ...
The Secret to Managing Millennials
Wondering how to manage a workplace full of Millennials? Turns out it's not so different from managing any age workers.
4 Secrets to Increasing Your Productivity
Based on Charles Duhigg's "Smarter Faster Better," these four tips will help you increase your productivity.
How Your Commute Affects Your Well-Being
Studies show that commuters with long journeys to and from work are systematically worse off and report lower subjective well-being.
Do National Parks and Monuments Make Economic Sense?
National parks and monuments can harm local economies in some situations, but in other situations they can substantially boost local economies.
Is Margarine Dead?
Though margarine may be in decline, its rise was met with strong adversity throughout the 20th century.