Why Did the Violist Cross the Road?
Every subculture has its in-jokes. Classical musicians are no exception, and the punchline usually involves a viola.
Why Go to the Movies?
In 2014, attendance at the movies hit its lowest level in two decades.
Goya, The Moors, and The Bulls
An exhibit of Francisco Goya's paintings and prints at Boston's Museum of Fine Arts showcases an amazing talent and a personality who lived through extraordinary and frequently horrifying times.
“The Phantom of Hollywood” and the Demise of the MGM Film Musical
The Hollywood musical was slaughtered onscreen for the entertainment of the spectator in The Phantom of Hollywood, a horribly tacky made-for-TV movie.
J. R. R. Tolkien the Philologist
Before The Hobbit, J. R. R. Tolkien was a philologist, a specialist in historical texts.
Our Obsession with Orphans: A Short History from Jane Eyre to Annie
Little Orphan Annie is the latest in a sequence of pop culture foundlings, but America’s orphans of the Great Depression weren’t endearing at all.
Happy Birthday, Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770 in Bonn, Germany.
Guglielmo Marconi and the Birth of Radio
Guglielmo Marconi successfully made the first transatlantic radio transmission on December 12, 1901.