Teenagers with internet addcition

Internet Addiction?

In the new documentary “Web Junkie” by filmmakers Shosh Shlam and Hilla Medalia, viewers are introduced to Daxing ...
Plastic and trash litter a shoreline.

“Plastic Rock” Marks the Presence of Humans in the Fossil Record

Plastic in the ocean has created an entirely new kind of rock: plastiglomerate.
Dr. Jeanine Vélez Gavilán, Global Plants Initiative Steering Committee Member, at the MAPR Herbarium.

JSTORies: Jeanine Vélez Gavilán

Jeanine Vélez Gavilán discusses her career in botany, her passion for endangered plants, and how climate change challenges botanists today. Visit ...
Tablet screen showing Annals of Mathematics journal on a book shelf with reference books.

Annals of Mathematics

Recognized as one of the most highly esteemed mathematical journals in the world, Annals of Mathematics has been in circulation since 1884
wealth discrepancy in USA

Does the Rise of the 1% Signal the Fall of Democracy?

Americans have been thinking more about economic haves and have-nots than we have in a long time.
young couple in bed

Campus Hookup Culture: Myth vs. Reality

Hookup culture on American college campuses has become a predictable subject for magazine articles and op-eds. It might be time to shift the debate.
Fist full of soap suds

Is Our Soap Hurting Us?

Julia Scott, a writer and radio producer in San Francisco, was recently a test subject for a living ...
Book cover of Thomas Pikett's Capital beside the author sitting in front of a whiteboard filled with equations

The Road to Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century hit the number one spot on the New York Times nonfiction ...
Flowering Nicotiana Alata, a species of tobacco identified by star-shaped white blooms.

A Tobacco Plant that Could Cure Cancer?

Finding anti-cancer agents inside tobacco may seem like a pretty strange coincidence, but it’s not unheard of to find help in harmful places.
Empty Headstones

Green Burial and the North-South Divide

Embalming practices were first introduced in the US during the Civil War to preserve bodies for transportation.