Wasted rotten apples.

We’re Wasting As Much As Half the Food We Produce

Research suggests that at least half of the food produced is lost before and after it reaches the consumer. 
Heroin use.

What Causes an Epidemic of Heroin Deaths?

Research suggests that certain things such as alcohol and the potency of the dose increase the rate at which users die from heroin use. 
On July 17, 1955, Argonne's BORAX III reactor provided all the electricity for Arco, Idaho, the first time any community's electricity was provided entirely by nuclear energy.

What Did Idaho Have to Do With the Cold War?

The real life history behind the 1961 nuclear accident fictionalized in Andria Williams' The Longest Night.
National Wildlife Refuge

The History of the National Wildlife Refuge System

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has been occupied by armed militants since January 2, 2016. But where did the National Wildlife Refuge system come from?
It is the bean, that we mean, so white and lean.

What It Was Like To Be an African-American Soldier During the Civil War

What was it like to be one of the 186,017 African Americans who served in the Union Army during the Civil War?
A mother holding her newborn in a birthing tub after her home water birth.

From Home Births to Maternity Wards and Back Again

Once hospital deliveries became mainstream, mothers have had to make a choice: a home birth or go to the hospital? 
Island of the Blue Dolphins written by Scott O'Dell.

Stranded on the Island of the Blue Dolphins: The True Story of Juana Maria

Juana Maria, the lost woman of San Nicolas island, is as famous for her namelessness as for the lonely adventure she endured.
A mother breastfeeding her child.

The Cultural Expectations of Breastfeeding

Society constructs women’s bodies as sexual, but mothers’ bodies as asexual—a quandary that presents a dilemma for women who nurse in public.
A concept illustration of three aligned planets

There May Be a Ninth Planet (And It’s Not Pluto)

Caltech astronomer Michael Brown has proposed the existence of a ninth planet, the existence of which would explain the strange orbits of six KBOs. 
Blackfish. G. H. Nickerson, Provincetown, Cape Cod Views.

Why Don’t Americans Eat Whale?

Whales have been used for everything but meat in this country. Why is that?