JSTOR Daily Friday Reads

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

We asked JSTOR Daily readers what books they remembered most from childhood. Mrs. Piggle Wiggle is one of them. 
Beach Pneumatic Train

The Pneumatic Subway That Almost Was

New York almost had a pneumatic subway system, but political, legal, and financial reasons kept the system from expanding.
Moving Forest

The Incredible Moving Forest

For as long as plants have existed, there have been moving forests, migrating across the earth’s surface in response to changes in the climate.
Yes We Can video

Viral Videos and the Presidential Campaign

How do viral videos shape a presidential campaign? How do voters learn to “read” the art and advertisements they are seeing? Learn more from our scholars.
Hogarth Press Vanessa Bell

In Praise of Small Presses

Writers have long run their own small presses in order to publish voices that might otherwise stay silent. 
A rendering of the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) telescope

A New Tool in the Search for Alien Life

China is bringing a huge new radio telescope on-line, and part of its stated purpose will be to search for alien life.
student using laptop

Student Writing in the Digital Age

Essays filled with "LOL" and emojis? College student writing today actually is longer and contains no more errors than it did in 1917.
Catherine Howard

Did Materialism Lead to the Death of a Tudor Queen?

The very things that made Catherine Howard's time as Henry VIII's queen so pleasant became a cudgel with which to beat her.
Mahjong players

Making Sense of Social Gaming

What do social gaming habits reveal about the lives of those playing?
John Aubrey

Archiving the Inventor of the Archive

Scholarship traces the birth of the archive to natural philosophers like John Aubrey.