How Should Therapists Handle Patients Seeking Stimulants?
Patients called with no time for curiosity. They wanted stimulants, and they wanted them now. Then we could talk.
What Makes a Brain “Speech Ready?”
Can monkeys talk? According to new research, they could, if their brains would let them.
John Berger, 1926-2017
John Berger has died at the age of 90. Famous for his television series and book Ways of Seeing, he was a critic, artist, novelist, poet, and radical.
The False Promises of Wellness Culture
Wellness is everywhere today: juice cleanses, Soulcycle classes, self-care. The roots of the trend can be found in nineteenth-century health-consciousness.
How Great Was the Great Society?
Lyndon B. Johnson called upon the wealthiest nation in the world to do something for those left behind.
The Real Pocahontas
Pocahontas, Matoaka, and Lady Rebecca Rolfe were all the same young woman, who died in 1617, a long way from home.
Suggested Readings: Celebrating 2016, Aging Well, and Growing New Ears
Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
14 Ways to Make Meetings Less Awful
Can anything be done to make meetings more useful and less dull?
When Dieting Was Only For Men
Today, we tend to assume dieting is for women, but in the 1860s, it was a masculine pursuit.
Can Ballet Be Feminist?
Ballerinas have long made feminists both uneasy and excited, embodying fulfillment and the shackles of feminine performance.