Police officer directing traffic behind a Do Not Cross line

Do Police Deter Crime?

Is there a connection between larger police forces and lower crime rates?
The Daily Show
Jon Stewart
Comedy Central/Courtesy Neal Peters Collection

‘The Daily Show’ as Political Influence

Does the Daily Show really impact people's political views?

Mental Time Travel with Frohawk Two Feathers

Recent scientific studies investigate the physical potential of time travel; see how artist Frohawk Two Feathers' colonial epics do as well.
Sketched concentric circles on a textured cream background

The Solar Origins of Dendrochronology

Historian George E. Webb recounts the intertwined relationship between solar physics and dendrochronology
Young girl's hand touches and holds an old woman's wrinkled hands.

Medically Assisted Suicide, Christianity, and Confucius

The debate on medically assisted suicide often pits Christian and secular liberal values against each other.
Preserved corpse of Jeremy Bentham in a glass cabinet

No Foolin’: Jeremy Bentham’s Auto-Icon

There is a curious display in a glass-fronted cabinet at University College London. It's Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) .
Confederate flag

The Psychological Power of the Confederate Flag

An experiment in Political Psychology points to just how powerful the confederate flag continues to be in stirring up racist attitudes among whites.
A seal pops its head up out of the water

Seals 1, Scientists 0

A long-term study to track the movements of commercially valuable fish species might have been a waste of time, thanks to crafty seals.
"Olive Oatman, 1857" by unattributed - Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Olive_Oatman,_1857.png#/media/File:Olive_Oatman,_1857.png

Olive Oatman: The Girl With the Mojave Tattoo

The mysterious story of Olive Oatman who returned after years of captivity with the Mojave.