When Televangelism Got Big
Deregulation of the airwaves helped lead to the success of televangelism, and cable made it stronger.
Turtle Shells: More Than Meets the Eye
Turtle shells evolved over time from earlier precursor structures.
How Should Europe Welcome Refugees?
A comparison of the different ways European countries welcome refugees suggest that a combination of methods works best.
Art, Technology, & Early Photography: William Henry Fox Talbot
The 175th anniversary of William Henry Fox Talbot's calotype photography.
Dalí, Surrealism and…Fashion Magazines?
Salvador Dalí injected Surrealism into fashion magazines in the 1930s and 1940s, to lasting influence.
Napoleon Dynamite & the Neo-Western Film
The western genre is engrained in American film from its roots to today. Jared Hess' Napoleon Dynamite revises this legacy in a surprising way.
The Trouble with Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor's scientific management theory has some holes in it.
Suggested Reading: The truth about Shakespeare, How to Count Trees, the End of Work Friends
Our weekly pick of suggested reading.
Hand to Ankle: A New Grafting Technique Offers Hope
The surgical reattachment or grafting of limbs has a short history because of its difficulty.
The Guerrilla Girls Turn 30
A secret collective of masked female artists known as the Guerrilla Girls has taken to the streets and museums to combat racism and sexism for 30 years.