Black and white photo of a Model-T

Electric Cars… of The 1890s

Electric cars were first introduced in the late 1890s, but they didn't catch on.
A truck transporting newly cut trees out of the forest

Is Tropical Sustainable Logging Possible?

So-called sustainable commercial logging is not sustainable.
"FrankHerbert Dune 1st" by Digital scan of book cover from [1]; copyright maintained by publisher or artist, as applicable.. Via <a href="" target="_blank">Wikipedia</a>

Dune at 50

Frank Herbert's novel Dune, the best selling science-fiction novel of all time, celebrates it's 50th birthday and is still read in innovative ways.
The ideal 1950's nuclear family together in the living room

The Invention of the Family Room

The family room was a post-WWII invention, a sign of new affluence and middle class aspirations.
A swimming platypus

Venom Found in the Unlikeliest of Animals

Venom is used by some surprising animals, including mammals.
Astronauts on the International Space Station are ready to sample their harvest of a crop of "Outredgeous" red romaine lettuce from the Veggie plant growth system that tests hardware for growing vegetables and other plants in space.
Credits: NASA

Gardening in Space

Zero-gravity gardening: why growing plants in space isn't the same as here on Earth.
"Annual report of the Board of Education of School District Number One in the City and County of Denver, Colorado (1918) (14779460911)" by School District Number One in the City and County of Denver, Colorado. Board of Education - book page: Licensed under No restrictions via <a href=",_Colorado_(1918)_(14779460911).jpg#/media/File:Annual_report_of_the_Board_of_Education_of_School_District_Number_One_in_the_City_and_County_of_Denver,_Colorado_(1918)_(14779460911).jpg" target="_blank">Commons</a>

Teaching Kids Their Place

A historical survey of early 20th century teaching finds students being taught their place in the socioeconomic system.
Extra Credit Suggested Readings from JSTOR Daily Editors

Suggested Readings: Breadwinners, Adjusting to Entitlement, Our Newest Ancestor

Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought ...
Photo by ABC Photo Archives/ABC via Getty Images

The Problem With ‘All-American Girl’

The sitcom All-American Girl was the first to focus on an Asian American family; it lasted one season.
Attempting to block integration at the University of Alabama, Governor of Alabama George Wallace stands at the door of the Foster Auditorium while being confronted by United States Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach.

Was George Wallace Anti-Education…Or Just Anti-Integration?

While pledging to keep schools segregated, Alabama Governor George Wallace set up a community college system that benefited black Alabamans.