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Extra Credit: Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.

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Why there’s so much pressure on rich kids (The Atlantic)
by Rebecca J. Rosen
Wealthy parents are putting immense pressure on their children to succeed at school and in outside activities, leaving many of the them miserable and even self-destructive. Research shows how this is a predictable outcome of  the changes in the country’s economy and class structure.

The mean-drunk gene (New York Magazine)
by Susan Rinkunas
Do you act like an out-of-control jerk when you’ve had too much to drink? A new study by Finnish researchers suggests you may have a genetic mutation.

How to create a terrorist (The Conversation)
By Sarah Lyons-Padilla and Michele Gelfand
New research suggests that the methods many Western democracies use to try to prevent Muslim immigrants from becoming radicalized are thoroughly counterproductive. Banning hijabs or even just encouraging cultural assimilation—as well as outright discrimination—all create environments where many immigrants feel like outsiders, fueling violent ideologies.

Endangered water (Pacific Standard)
By Madeleine Thomas
Snowmelt—the source of 75 percent of water supply in the western U.S.—is disappearing as global temperatures rise. A new study finds drainage basins around the world that 1.45 billion people depend on are in grave danger.

Giving thanks is good for you (The New York Times)
by Arthur C. Brooks
Are you really feeling thankful this week? Either way, expressing gratitude can make you happier, and improve your relationships with others.

Have you seen a story online that does a good job of bridging the gap between the news and scholarship? Or something that seems particularly well-researched? Let us know and we may include it in next week’s roundup. Email us at jstordaily_submissions (at) jstor (dot) org.