Unpacking the World of Cosplay
We go into the world of cosplay, where men and women dress up and role-play as their favorite fictional characters.
Why Hasn’t China Won a Nobel in Science Until Now?
Despite a long tradition of scientific inquiry and study, no Chinese scientist has won the coveted Nobel Prize. Until now. We try to understand why.
The Making of Asian America
Asians are on track to become the fastest growing U.S. population by the next half-century. We look at the history of Asian immigration, past and present.
Your Green Lawn is Harming the Environment
Americans go to desperate measures to keep their lawns manicured and green. But is it worth the environmental cost?
Read MacArthur “Genius” Grant Winner Beth Stevens’ Work on JSTOR
Beth Stevens was awarded the heralded "genius" grant for her work on microglia, the specialized nervous system cells.
Suggested Readings: Purity for Men, Center of the Earth, Silly Walks
Our pick of stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship. Brought to you each Tuesday from the editors of JSTOR Daily.
America: A Welfare Nation
We think of welfare as social security for the economically vulnerable. Maybe it's time we rightfully enlarge what we mean by the term.
Read the Poems of “Genius” Grant Recipients Ellen Bryant Voigt & Ben Lerner
We've made available two poems each by Ellen Bryant Voigt and Ben Lerner, 2015 recipients of the MacArthur "Genius" Grant.
Challenging Columbus Day
More and more states are choosing not to honor Columbus Day celebrations. We look back at the history of the holiday.
How and Why Public Opinion on the Death Penalty Changed
A look at the American public's ambivalent opinion of the death penalty.