M-Dwarves and the Search for Life
In recent years, astronomers have broadened their search for habitable planets to include previously ignored stars like M-dwarves.
How Religious Literacy Might Have Changed the Waco Tragedy
Religious scholars argue that the Waco raid was not justified and that with more understanding of theology, the loss of life could have been avoided.
Stanley Fish’s Academic Clickbait
The “renegade” scholar Stanley Fish is really a bit dramatic.
Suggested Readings: Crucifixion, Distrusting Computers, and Trump Tower
Well-researched stories about the symbolism of the cross, AI you can trust, and the global gig economy.
How People Paid Their Taxes in Biblical Times
Think doing your taxes is annoying? Imagine trying it without a computer, a calculator… or even the Arabic numeral system.
Working More for Less: Dangers of the Gig Economy
The "gig economy" benefits startups and tech companies, but it may be unsustainable, and unethical for the economy, and workers, at large.
Are Some Solar Panels More Environmentally Friendly Than Others?
A new solar process utilizing nanoparticles has to potential to nearly double the energy output per unit area of solar panels.
The Religious Roots of the Easter Parade
The revival of Easter as a festival-type holiday coincided with a rise in Catholic immigration and relaxing religious standards in the 1880's.
St. Augustine, the Real First European Settlement in America?
By the time Jamestown, Virginia was settled, St. Augustine, Florida was already 42 years old. The rich history of America's oldest settlement.
Ten Breathtaking Nature Poems
In honor of National Poetry Month, we’ve gathered some of the best nature poems from JSTOR. Including Mary Oliver, Sylvia Plath, Dylan Thomas, and others.