Harvard Business School

When Harvard Business School Tried To Fix Capitalism

Harvard Business School once attempted to apply psychological and political ideas to the project of saving capitalism from ruin.
Valetta city buildings with birds flying over them, Malta

To Kill a Maltese Bird

The Mediterranean island nation of Malta is the scene of migratory bird massacres twice a year. Why do they continue to do it?
Draft riots

Race and Labor in the 1863 New York City Draft Riots

In July 1863, over a thousand Irish dockworkers rioted against the Civil War draft in New York City in a four-day upheaval, targeting black workers and citizens.
coffee shop tipping

Do We Tip Because of Good Service or Low Wages?

The question of whether or not to tip can be vexing, particularly when a type of service, like ride-sharing, is relatively new.
Bent Pyramid

How to Lose a Pyramid

Archaeologists recently discovered evidence of a long-lost pyramid dating to the thirteenth dynasty of Egypt’s Old Kingdom. How does a pyramid get lost?
JSTOR Daily Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings: Mastodon Marrow, Pregnant Tennis, and Pet Squirrels

JSTOR Daily's Suggested Readings: Well-researched stories from around the web that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
Lakewood Church

Does the “Prosperity Gospel” Explain Trump?

According to the Prosperity Gospel, wealth is a sign of God's favor. Trump Tower is not just his monument. It is seen as God's gift.
May Day 2006 marchers

When did May Day Turn Into an Immigrants’ Rights Day?

May Day has traditionally focused on labor and working class issues. Immigration and immigrant labor adds a new dimension to the holiday.
Illustration of Karl Polanyi

Gareth Dale on the Past and Future of Capitalism

An interview with Gareth Dale on his work on Karl Polanyi, and the past and future of capitalism.
Close-up of a pink octopus in the sea with a starfish

The Strange Genetic Trick of the Cephalopods

What makes cephalapods like octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish so intelligent? The answer might be in the way they can edit their own RNA as they go.