Film and TV Ratings in the Streaming Age
We've got Netflix, AppleTV, YouTube, and Prime literally in the palms of our hands. Do conventional movie and television rating systems matter to us?
Betting on the Longshot
Researchers consistently observe that longshot horses are overvalued by bettors at the racetrack. Why are they willing to risk it all?
Fighting Over the Dead
There was more than one violent altercation at the cemetery when one side of the family wanted to move a dead relative, and the other didn’t.
The Cosmopolitan Culture of the Gullah/Geechees
Emphasizing the isolation enforced by Lowcountry geography erases the agency of Gullah/Geechee communities in the preservation of African culture.
The New York School Poets
From Bernadette Mayer to Joan Mitchell. Tracing the path from the New York School poets to their painter friends.
Fast Horses and Eugenics
The breeding of race horses validated those aspiring to belong to an American elite while feeding into racist beliefs about genetic inheritance.
The History of Reproductive Rights: A Syllabus
A selection of stories on the history of reproductive rights and abortion to foster dialogue inside and outside of the classroom.
Murder, Memory, and Normalcy
Well-researched stories from The Cut, Grist, and other great publications that bridge the gap between news and scholarship.
The Bug in the Computer Bug Story
Soon after a team of engineers discovered a moth in a machine at Harvard, the word "bug" became a standard part of the programmer's lexicon. Or did it?
Choose the Correct Cover Crop
Organic tomato farmers know that cover crops are key for ensuring adequate nitrogen supply in the soil each year. But not all covers are equal.