What Does Trump’s Golfing Reveal about His Personality?
It’s been noted that Donald Trump has been playing a lot of golf since becoming president. Can his habit be explained by his "sky-high extroversion?"
Scientific Researchers Need to Open Up to Collaboration
The apprenticeship model is cutting us off from addressing today’s complex questions. Fortunately, social avenues like ResearchGate and MCubed can help.
Synthetic Fabrics Inspired a Cultural Revolution
The advent of synthetic fabrics played a surprising role in bringing women into the workforce, as Mercury 13 trainee Geraldine Sloan’s story illustrates.
Knowledge and Nostalgia at the Museum: From The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler imagines the museum as a site of hands-on learning and intimacy with the past.
What Time is it When You Pass Through A Wrinkle in Time?
Do we need two distinct conceptions of time, chronos (clock time) vs. kairos (real time), to understand Madeleine L’Engle’s classic novel?
How to Recreate Palestine: Researching Salt Houses
Debut novelist Hala Alyan on how she researched her new, much-buzzed-about novel Salt Houses, with a little help from JSTOR.
The Devastation of Black Wall Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1921. A wave of racial violence destroys an affluent African-American community, seen as a threat to white-dominated American capitalism.
Caroline Louisa Daly Is Finally Getting Her Due
The works of the Canadian painter Caroline Louisa Daly were for years incorrectly attributed to Charles Daly, a municipal bureaucrat turned artist.
Book Club Made Me Gay
Book clubs and reading groups have long been important to marginalized communities.
What Makes a Glass House the Ideal Home for a Communist Gynecologist?
Paris’s Maison de Verre is a marvel of modernist architecture whose rarely seen interior was constructed to foster sociality.