World map showing the zoogeographical regions by Alfred Russel Wallace

The 1876 Map of the World’s Ecozones That Still Holds Up

The 19th-century naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace created a visualization that tied different species to specific regions of the world.
Constantine Samuel Rafinesque

The Raffish and Radical Constantine Samuel Rafinesque

Constantine Samuel Rafinesque was an adventuring naturalist who named 2,700 genera and wrote about evolution before Darwin. Why has he been forgotten?
A cluster of deep sea octopus Muusoctopus robustus.

The Last Vigil of the Octopus Parent

For some species of octopus, reproducing is a lonely act that ends in death.

Catching Cats With Cologne

The cat-attracting ability of perfume has been known since at least the 18th century. Will it help authorities catch a killer tiger?
Bear preparing to hibernate

How to Be the Fattest Bear

Gaining enough weight to survive a winter of hibernation is actually very hard work.

What Makes a Species?

Scientists have found there are actually four different species of giraffes. But what makes a species?
A fox stands next to a car in a parking lot

Uptown Fox: On Wildlife in Cities

Urban environments are harsh, with only fragmentary remains of natural habitat. But human activity has driven a rise of wildlife in cities.
Flying Penguin

Zoological Jokes and Hoaxes

The humor in inventing fake animals comes from the fact that the audience is in on the joke. Nevertheless, the line between satire and hoax can be fuzzy.