The Claude Glass Revolutionized the Way People Saw Landscapes
Imagine tourists flocking to a famous beauty spot, only to turn around and fix their eyes on its reflection in a tiny dark mirror.
Does Dark Tourism Exploit Tragedy for Profit?
Thanatourism, as one scholar calls it, has a long history. And some historic sites of mass death do offer thoughtful educational experiences.
The Market Will Bare It: Transnational Nude Tourism
As Europeans recovered from the devastation of World War II, nude beaches appeared in France.
A “Cook’s Tour” of Imperialism
Thomas Cook and Son Ltd. pioneered middle class tourism during the Victorian era, when it followed the course of the British Empire.
The “Downton Effect” on the English Country House Tour
The show Downton Abbey spurred a renewed interest in English country estates.
Why You Should Visit a Farm This Summer
Agritourism may sound like a hot new trend, but it's actually been helping farms stay in business for over a century.
The Man Who Tried to Claim the Grand Canyon
Ralph H. Cameron staked mining claims around the Grand Canyon, seeking to privatize it. When the federal government fought back, he ran for Senate.
How Eco-Conscious is Your Eco-Tour?
Wildlife sighting business is booming. Here’s how to choose the tour operators that care about the animals.
This Island Is Closed for Maintenance
The Faroe Islands owe their untouched nature to their remote location and stormy climate. And to a weekend closure.
Give These Adorable Seals More Privacy!
When viewing boats come too close, seals and their pups stampede into the water. Scientists say it exhausts the animals.