So You Want to Move to Mars?
A Dutch non-profit plans to send voyagers on a one-way trip to Mars
Is There Life on Mars?
Is there life on Mars? Probably not, but it's likely that there used to be.
A Universe Where Time Runs Backwards
Running out of time? Not in a universe where time runs backwards.
Kepler: The Little Telescope That Could
A year after a potentially fatal setback, a rejuvenated Kepler telescope discovered the first exoplanet (outside the solar system) of its new mission.
Where is Water From? Probably Not Comets
A recently completed analysis of comet 67P/C-G by the Rosetta Space Craft has effectively ruled out comets as the primary source of Earth’s water.
How to Catch a Comet
Last week, the European Space Agency (ESA) successfully landed an unmanned probe (Philae) on a comet, a feat heretofore unmatched in human history
The Cassini Saturn Mission and the Allure of the Unknown
What the Cassini Saturn Mission teaches us about scientific discovery
Laika: The First Earthling in Space
The first Earthling was Laika, a Russian mongrel found on the streets of Moscow.
Ole Rømer and the Speed of Light
In 1676, Danish astronomer Ole Rømer predicted that an eclipse of one of Jupiter’s moons would occur ten minutes later than expected. How did he know?
Space Is The Place: The US, USSR, and Space Exploration
Even during the Cold War, US and Russian cooperation succeeded in space exploration.