Older black and white drawing of the presentation of the Magna Carta

Magna Carta at 800

The Magna Carta's 800th birthday is this year.
Shelf of law text books

The Origins of American Law Schools

When did law schools become a fixture in the training of elite Americans?
View from the balcony at the Avery Fisher Hall

What’s in a Name? Probably not Avery Fisher

In 1973 billionaire industrialist Avery Fisher donated $10.5 million to Lincoln Center. The money went to renovate Philharmonic Hall.
Nuremburg Trials Defendants in the Dock

Anniversary: The Nuremberg Trials

On November 20, 1945, in the wake of the Second World War, the Nuremberg War Crime Trials began. ...
A Polio Quarantine Card outlining the Act of Assembly Act from 1909

The Origin of Quarantine

Such forms of enforced isolation are referenced as far back as the Old Testament, while the word "quarantine" itself dates to the late medieval Plague.

The Urban Lawyer

Highlights from the American Bar Association's publication, The Urban Lawyer