Even Water? Why (And How) Muslims Fast During Ramadan
Ramadan is underway for the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. This year, Ramadan takes place in the dead of summer, a particularly difficult time to fast.
The Mother of Mother’s Day
Mother's Day began as one woman's quest to have a public observance of the anniversary of her own mother's passing.
How Labor Lost May Day
At the turn of the century, May 1 was a time for radical labor protests. During WWI, May Day was replaced by the more nationalistic Labor Day.
What is Kwanzaa?
A look at the history of Kwanzaa and how it has evolved since it was founded by Maulana Ronald Karenga.
Mele Kalikimaka! How To Say “Merry Christmas” In Hawaiian
Translating "Merry Christmas" into Hawaiian offers insight into the language's modest inventory of consonants.
Challenging Columbus Day
More and more states are choosing not to honor Columbus Day celebrations. We look back at the history of the holiday.
The Origins of St. Valentine’s Day
The complicated origins of St. Valentine’s Day.
The Demographics of U.S. Holiday Gift-giving
In a 1991 paper for the Journal of Consumer Research studied the effects of income, family size, and other demographic differences on gift-giving patterns.
The Modern Invention of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving as we know it was deliberately invented in the nineteenth century.
The Origins of Bastille Day
Bastille Day as we know it began as private educational events phased into lively street fetês, and eventually the parades and fireworks we know today.