Gender and Family Farms: An Investigation
We look at how gender affects the roles of men, women, and children on family farms in Appalachia.
“Victim Culture” and Victim Blaming
The critique of contemporary "victim culture" has parallels to the critique of "victim feminism" of the 1990s.
How Reforms to Rape Law Changed Our Understanding of the Crime
Reforms to rape law in the 1970s and 1980s transformed the definition of rape and brought the crime out of the shadows.
Gender Roles in Early Parenthood
Parenting roles have changed enormously over a generation, but gender roles are still being propped up in some ways.
How Second-Wave Feminists Saw Saturday Morning Cartoons
Before the Bechdel test, second-wave feminists looked at sexist portrayals in Saturday Morning cartoons
Arnold Schwarzenegger: A Kinder, Gentler Action Hero?
Two articles look at the movies of Arnold Schwarzenegger through the lens of gender studies and feminism.
They’re Here, They’re Genderqueer, Get Used to Gender Neutral Pronouns
Ongoing study and debate about gender neutral pronouns.
All the Young Dudes: Generic Gender Terms Among Young Women
The linguistics behind gender neutral terms among young women.