Diane Keaton in Looking for Mr. Goodbar, 1977

“No Unescorted Ladies Will Be Served”

For decades, bars excluded single women, claiming the crowds were too “rough” and “boisterous” and citing vague fears of “fallen girls.”
Drinking at the cafe

When is Public Drinking Cool?

The Wall Street Journal reports that property developers are pushing to allow public drinking on city streets, hoping to encourage a “lively atmosphere.”
Thompson's Temperance Spa

When the Temperance Movement Opened Saloons

Charles Sumner Eaton's “Temperance Spa” served alternative adult beverages like coffee, egg phosphates, and "Moxie Nerve Food," all in the name of health.
Beer Steins Are Raised as the Concord Singers Practice Singing German Songs in New Ulm, Minnesota.

Drinking Problems

How the medical profession has dealt with alcohol throughout the years.
Winston Churchill and Bernard Baruch

Was Winston Churchill a “Drunk in Charge”?

Winston Churchill's status is history is decided. His status as a drinker is disputed.