Gapstow bridge Central Park, New York City

Where Do City Birds Go for the Winter?

Cities can host surprisingly diverse bird species, apart from the ubiquitous pigeons and sparrows. Where do they go in the winter?
urban bees

The Rise of the City Bee—How Urbanites Built the 21st-Century Apiculture

Urban apiculture is a booming trend. But many metropolitan beekeepers also believe that bees fare better in cities than they do in the countryside.
Drinking at the cafe

When is Public Drinking Cool?

The Wall Street Journal reports that property developers are pushing to allow public drinking on city streets, hoping to encourage a “lively atmosphere.”
NYC intersection

“Jay Walking” and the Fight for the Streets

Debates over the priorities of cars, public transit and "jay walking" are nothing new. There has long been a story class buried within the disagreements.
JSTOR Daily Friday Reads

Kathleen Rooney’s Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk

Move over flâneur, here comes the flâneuse, the female version of the famous French walkers.
Lincoln, Nebraska state capitol building

The Bitter Controversy Over Nebraska’s State Capital

Lincoln or Omaha or... Neapolis? The fight over where to put the capital of Nebraska was much more heated than you may have imagined.
The demolition of the Pruitt-Igoe houses in St. Louis, 1972

“Inner City” Myths and Realities

The history behind why urban black neighborhoods face much higher rates of poverty, crime, and overburdened schools than white suburban areas do.
Love Park skaters

Skateboarders: The Shock Troops of Gentrification

In Philadelphia's Love Park, gentrification had an unlikely face.
Jane Jacobs

Jane Jacobs and the American City

Jane Jacobs, who would have been 100 today and is the focus of the Google Doodle , was a big part of why cities like New York City and Toronto look and feel
Traffic lights

Red Light, Green Light: When Were Traffic Lights Invented?

New apps like EnLighten are trying to help drivers make navigate traffic lights safely with a little help from vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) technology.