Will AI Restore Our Sense of Wonder?
According to philosopher Max Weber, science led to humanity's disenchantment. But reaching AI Singularity might spark our sense of wonder all over again.
An Astro-Ecology Team Brings Stellar Software Down to Earth
This new AI will protect endangered species from poachers, says a team of conservationists and astrophysicists.
The Inevitable Triumph of Iteration over Intellect
By virtue of pure chance, a monkey can come up with Romeo and Juliet. This suggests that we can circumvent comprehension and skip straight to competence.
Will Reading Romance Novels Make Artificial Intelligence More Human?
Google is feeding its natural language AI thousands of romance novels in an effort to humanize its “conversational tone.” Will this give it "humanness?"
Can Game Theory Help Save Our Forests?
How forests and endangered species might be saved by artificial intelligence and game theory.
When the AI Promotes Genocide
It seemed like a good idea; Microsoft introduced an Artificial Intelligence (AI), Tay, to comment on social media ...
Games of Artificial Intelligence
Chess and artificial intelligence have been matched almost since the beginning of AI research, but now there's a new game in town.