Blackfoot Albatross chick

The Strange Tale of the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program

In the 1960s, over seventy scientists and graduate students traveled to U.S. outlying islands as part of the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program.
A panda chewing on a stalk of bamboo

Why Do Pandas Have Thumbs?

Some panda species have strange thumb-like appendages, but their thumbs evolved for strikingly different reasons.
Wind turbines

The Unexpected Problem With Wind Power

While it can be an excellent source of clean power, wind power also kills a lot of wildlife, including bats.

What Makes a Species?

Scientists have found there are actually four different species of giraffes. But what makes a species?
Badger group

What Birds, Coyotes, and Badgers Know About Teamwork

 Mutualism is a relationship between organisms where both benefit.
Wildlife cams

Why We Can’t Turn Away from Wildlife Cams

Wildlife cams have steadily gained popularity among both scientists and casual observers. But viewers aren't always prepared for wildlife unscripted.

Lessons in Senescence: Not All Animals Age the Same

Senescence--age-related decline in health and reproduction–is something we take for granted in humans, but among animals it’s not necessarily the norm.
A high border fence

The Ecological Impact of a Border Wall

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for a large border wall. We look at the damage a wall would create for the surrounding ecology.
A swimming platypus

Venom Found in the Unlikeliest of Animals

Venom is used by some surprising animals, including mammals.