What Happens To The Body in Orbit?
Scott Kelly has returned from a year in orbit. How has he fared? Turns out space flight really does do a number on the body.
Copernicus’s Body Identified by Stray Hair
Stuck in a book for centuries, strands of Copernicus's hair helped identify his body in 2005.
Why Do We Tickle?
Why do we tickle, why are we ticklish? Why does it make us laugh even while we try to get away from it? It's a ticklish subject....
What Are Gravitational Waves?
Einstein predicted over a hundred years ago the existence of gravitational waves. Now a team of over 1,000 scientists have confirmed their existence.
General Relativity 100 Years On
Einstein's groundbreaking theory of general relativity has remained an essential hallmark of modern physics.
I ❤ Physics: A Love Story
I could not bring myself to accept string theory’s claim, often presented as a scientific fact, that there are exactly 11 dimensions.
Inside the Operating Theater: Early Surgery as Spectacle
Director Steven Soderbergh’s historical drama series, The Knick, brings viewers inside a New York City hospital’s operating room ...
The Channel Tunnel Is a Product of Politics, Not Engineering
The history of the Channel Tunnel is the really the contentious history between France and England.
Using Technology to Understand the Pyramids
Technological advances continue to play a strong role in our efforts to understand the great pyramids of Egypt.
Why Electroshock Therapy Isn’t Bad for You
Electroconvulsive therapy, or electroshock, has a bad reputation, but medically its efficacy is well documented, even if nobody knows how it works.